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Tinted World Books

Tinted World is going to include three novels and seven graphic novels. Both Tinted Series and Dream Series use uniquse storytelling devises in order to carry their message and entartain the reader. They are completely indepented but together complement each other.

Dive into romantic atmosphere of newly published cobaltDream or discover and solve the mistery of Miessa's newcomer with a lively company of Yue and his friends in Tinted Fire. Whichever book you choose many exiting advantures are awaiting you.

New Books Progress

New novels creating progress bar

Tinted Snowstorm
violet Dream

Tinted Novels

If you want to take it to the next level, you came to the right place.

Tinted Fire

Memoirs of a Saved Soul

Tinted Fire

Memoirs of a Saved Soul

As the fates decree, young Yue Dubois meets a stranger in a quiet provincial town located in the mountains. The more he gets to know the stranger, the more he comes to realize that there is much more to the man than meets the eye. The destined meeting has a greater impact on him and his friends than he could ever have imagined. Will he be able to unravel the mystery before it's too late? Or will he be doomed to relive his worst nightmare over and over again?Friendship and betrayal, pride and humility, love and despair— they are the tools skillfully used by the stranger who can bring divine happiness or put one through all circles of hell; the man whose soul is tinted fire.


cobalt DREAM

1st Dream

cobalt DREAM

1st Dream

From twilight to dawn – a mere passing moment for some, but for Anastasia it was enough to fall in love. By chance, the young woman meets a warrior named Milando who is in need of someone showing him a way to the nearest town. Soon the sky begins to lose it’s light with the night creeping in as the road takes the two through the night forest. But soon they realize that they are not alone. With danger growing near, the mysterious warrior has no other way but to reveal his special powers over nature in order to save the couple from the deadly foe.As the night progresses Anastasia gets sucked into a whirlpool of conflicting emotions and she begins to realize that her feeling of admiration might have evolved into something more. Will this be the beginning of a new romance? Did Anastasia really meet a man named Milando or was it just a beautiful dream?


Tinted World

Tinted Fire contact information.


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